Produkter från Buffalo

Buffalo Boots GmbH was founded in 1979 as a retail-business for cowboy boots. Back then cowboy boots were the most fashionable shoe wear for teens. The success of this retail-business lead to the distribution of the brand BUFFALO throughout Germany at first. Early in the 80-ies Buffalo Boots GmbH developed its first sport shoe which then had been sold extraordinarily successful in over 20 different colour combinations. On various international fairs Buffalo Boots GmbH then began offering a wider range of styles beside the cowboy boots. In 1984, Buffalo Boots GmbH started selling its products also outside of Germany - USA, England, France, Netherlands, Austria and Australia. During that time BUFFALO became a famous brand in the young fashion shoe market. In 1995 Buffalo Boots GmbH created and developed a sport shoe line which, with its platform sole, was highly innovative in the international market. Since that time until today BUFFALO became one of the most well known brands in the European market. VIPs like SPICE GIRLS, CHER, MADONNA, N’SYNC and CAMERON DIAZ started wearing BUFFALO shoes.
Buffalo Case Samsung 2in1 FE 5G S21FE 590055

Buffalo Case Samsung 2in1 FE 5G S21FE 590055

378 kr

Buffalo Case Samsung 2in1 FE 5G S21FE 590055

Teknikproffset 378 kr
TheMobileStore 399 kr
Carl Douglas 399 kr
ComputerSalg 414 kr
Buyersclub 419 kr

Artwood Buffalo Kuddfodral 60x40cm

437 kr

Artwood Buffalo Kuddfodral 60x40cm

Hulténs 437 kr 449 kr
Zandvoort 485 kr
Newport Home In... 549 kr
Treateaters Buffalo Horn, S

Treateaters Buffalo Horn, S

30 kr

Treateaters Buffalo Horn, S

Sharpman 30 kr
Case Cutlery Buffalo Horn Hunter CA17912

Case Cutlery Buffalo Horn Hunter CA17912

1 476 kr

Case Cutlery Buffalo Horn Hunter CA17912

Lamnia 1 476 kr
Lind DNA Buffalo glasunderlägg circle brun

Lind DNA Buffalo glasunderlägg circle brun

47 kr

Lind DNA Buffalo glasunderlägg circle brun

Nordic Nest 47 kr

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